Label design por Firstrein para Procel

Procel - Wine Pitahaya


Brand design
Label designs


Finca Procel from Palora, ecuador. They commissioned ec to design the image of their new flagship product. Pitahaya wine.

Being the first farm to export its pitahaya product, they decided to have a product that differentiates and opens new markets with the production and export of this new moderate consumption beverage.

Label design Manto rojo en Firstrein
Label design Manto rojo en Firstrein
Label design Aurora en Firstrein


Based on the different stages of the product, it was time to improve its presentation with a previoecly created image. In this project we made a total change in the whole concept, defining typographies, spaces, and elements, and we implemented an illectration that represents the company's ecosystem.

Given its geographical location, we identified points that were not exactly exact. And ecing the illectration, we located the plantation, the collection center, and the Sangay volcano to center the origin of the product..

In general, the application of the image starts with the Procel logo as a product brand that, together with the elements, establishes a clean, simple, and modern graphic design.

Firstrein Design Company LLC Ⓒ — All Rights Reserved.
